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Writer's pictureVicky Wilcox

10 Minute Yoga Poses for Toned Arms

Updated: 2 days ago

Tone your arms with this easy ten minute yoga workout

Try this quick, 10-minute yoga work out to get toned arms and to combat those bingo wings! We all know as we get a bit older it can be harder to tone and tighten up, especially where we experience looser or sagging skin. And let’s not forget that before we start there is NOTHING wrong with loser skin AT ALL – we are all beautiful and should embrace our bodies as they are, no matter what size, shape or form we are in.

However, I know that for some people, having stronger and leaner arms is something that they aspire too, and there is also nothing wrong with that, and nothing wrong with wanting to get fitter and strengthen different parts of the body.

For those that are looking to work on arms, there are a TON of yoga poses that can build strength, definition, tone and suppleness. Improving are strength can also help you with your yoga practice, as so many poses can involve using arm strength. So for a short blast on your arms, try this mini practice design to target all the muscles in the arms. These poses will also help you to build muscle without bulking up! When you sue weight, you can bulk up quite quickly (and don’t forget that muscle weighs more that fat!) Instead, with these poses you can use your own weight to build strength.

If you haven’t done any yoga before, this is a great practice to start with, but you can always check out my blog on yoga tips for beginners to help you get started!

Practise the poses in the order below to create a flow if you can as well!

Plank Pose

  • Lie on your stomach, with your hand’s palms facing down on the mat, shoulder width apart. Have your feet either hip width apart or together.

  • On an exhale slowly lift up (bending the knees and using them for support if needed), coming onto the hands (spread the fingers wide). Suck in the stomach to engage your core.

  • Keep your gaze down between your hands or to the top of your mat so you don’t over strain your neck. Ground your hands into the mat and extend your head forward and press your heels back, lengthening the tailbone as you do.


  • From plank you can lower into Chaturanga (or if this is too challenging start by coming onto your knees to get used to the sensation on your arms and shoulders).

  • Lift your gaze forward and shift your weight forward as well, so you are lighter on your toes.

  • Hug your elbows to your rib catch, inhale and lower as you exhale, keeping your back and spine straight and your glutes level with your hips.

Upward Facing Dog

  • From Chaturanga, press the tops of your feet and palms into the floor. Inhale to push into the hands and straighten the arms, keeping the thighs off the floor, pressing away from the ground, and open your chest as you lift up, tilting your head up slightly and gazing upwards (if that is too much keep your gaze forward).

  • Ensure your shoulders are over your wrists and your elbows have a slight bend.

Downward Facing Dog

  • You can transition from Upward facing dog, or you can come into this pose from standing.

  • Start with your feet hip width apart, taking your hands to the floor. Walk your hands forward so they are shoulder width apart.

  • From this pose, actively rotate your shoulders and upper arms out, ensuring your fingers are spread wide for support and even distribution of weight.

  • Keep your stomach sucked in, taking the gaze through the knees or to the top of the thighs. Hold for 20-30 seconds. This pose will also stretch your hamstrings and thighs out, as well as elongating your spine.

Crow Pose (Bakrasana)

  • From Downward Facing dog, drop to your knees and sit back on your heels (catch your breath or have a break if you need to!)

  • Place your hands on the floor in front of you, spreading the fingers wide, keep the hands shoulder width apart. Have your elbows slightly bent.

  • Come onto your tip toes from this posture, with the feet together (try and have big toes touching if you can.

  • Lift your hips up as much as you can, so you are almost in a low dog ward facing dog, but not as far forward.

  • From here, shift the weight into your hands, and place your knees on the upper part of your arm (your tricep area), coming off your feet so you are balancing on your legs. Squeeze your inner thighs into your upper arms, and actively push the arms out to create a push/pull sensation (this will keep you strong and help you maintain your balance).


Practice these poses for stronger, longer, leaner and more toned arms. You can hold each pose for as long as you want, I recommend between 20-30 seconds or 5 rounds of breath and build up to an increases time frame if you can. If you can hold for longer, then go for it!

For more beginner poses, or if you want a more in-depth practice and want to find out more, then get in touch.

Or access and download the free yoga guide to flexibility, that includes top tips on how to start your practice, and recommended poses.

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